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游戏类型:模拟经营 游戏语言:英文 游戏大小:710 MB 游戏官网:暂无 游戏版本:硬盘版 更新时间:2016/03/17 标签:主题公园 专题:


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  • 主题公园(Theme Park Studio)这款游戏是Pantera Entertainment制作发行的模拟经营游戏,版本信息为整合2号升级档版。在主题公园中,首先,玩家要用触控笔来建造人行道,供来往游玩的客人行走。其次,公园内各种游乐设施的设置,这样可以吸引来很多客人。随后要考虑到收入,均衡的设置一些店铺来增加公园的经济收入。随后,像厕所等一些设施也要考虑周全。最后还要进行员工的配置,服务人员,表演人员等等。快来一起加入主题公园游戏,体验模拟游戏带来的无穷乐趣!


    英文名称:Theme Park Studio
    游戏制作:Pantera Entertainment
    游戏发行:Pantera Entertainment


    Theme Park Studio is a powerful suite of tools that allow players to design, build, and experience stunning amusement parks of their own design. Players can build whatever they can imagine, and then share it online for others to experience.
    'Theme Park Studio Professional Edition' is scheduled for use in 2014 by Intamin Amusement Rides to showcase their newest coaster designs.
    Theme Park Studio has been in development for 1 1/2 years and integrates our proprietary game engine and IDE used in the serious games industry.
    Please join us, through early access, in continuing this exciting project. Early Access will provide the means to take this title even further, and make Theme Park Studio the ultimate theme park simulator.
    Using our rich toolset, players begin by sculpting their terrain, creating lakes, rivers, and raising knolls and mountains. Next, the opening gate is set and paths are placed with our easy path tools. No staggered or sharp edges here, just smoothly curved pathways procedurally built on the fly. With the click of a button, fences are created, stairs are generated, and trees are procedurally placed. Now it's time to build some rides. Coaster creation is both easy and flexible. Coaster rails can be bent, twisted, and shaped into almost any design imaginable. Add brakes, accelerators, tunnels, or have the coaster scream through a custom mesh, like a volcano. There is virtually no limit to what you can come up with. Prefabricated template pieces are also provided as helpers. Want to add a batwing or cobra roll? Simply click the icon and it will drop right in. All the power combined with all the ease of use.
    Theme Park Studio broke new ground when we unveiled our custom flat ride designer. This unique module allows to design, build, and invent custom rides. Physics can be applied to objects connected by custom joints. Next, animations are applied to these physics objects. Animation properties include, Torque, Force, Dampen Torque, Dampen Force, Position, Rotation, and Scale. With this functionality the number of flat rides you can create with Theme Park Studio is virtually unlimited! If building custom flat rides is not your thing, no problem, simply select from our library of pre-built rides. In just one click, the ride drops right in to your park, with full physics and animation built in.
    Next, fill out your park with restaurants, gift shops, bathrooms, etc.. You can pick from our built in libraries, or download custom meshes and import them for maximum customization. Turn your park into a stunning, picturesque environment with our procedural vegetation libraries. With a simple click drop in trees, hedges, bushes, and flower beds, that subtly sway in the wind. Using our particle effects engine, add fountains, fireworks, smoke, and torches for the final touch. Finally, open the park to guests and watch the peeps tour your park and ride your custom coasters and flat rides. You can also take a first person virtual tour through your park, and experience your own rides. Theme Parks are easily saved and archived. You can upload them to one of the Theme Park Studio coaster exchange sites that will be coming out soon. Theme Park Studio is a product built for the community where players can truly build the amusement park of their dreams.
    Theme Park Studio features include:
    - Custom coaster creation. Players can bend, pull, and stretch coasters into any design they wish. Prefabricated templates are provided as helpers, if desired
    - Custom Flat Rides. Design your own flat ride from the ground up, or select from our pre-built ride library.
    - Park guests: After opening your park, watch park guests (peeps) tour your theme park and hop on your coasters and flat rides.
    - Mesh importing: Build your own environmental objects and import them for maximum customization.
    - Particle effects, including fire, smoke, fountains, fireworks, and weather effects. Our particle effects module is very versatile, allowing the player to create a wide range of effects. Particles can have triggers for setting up shows or like coasters splashing through water.
    - Landscaping: Import your own height maps and textures to create stunning landscapes, or custom sculpt one of your own design.
    - Water: Control water parameters like speed, level, color, and ripple size.
    - Vegetation: Our engine features an advanced vegetation solution. Our proprietary technology allows players to build everything from grass to elaborate oaks. Trees are procedurally generated and can be controlled by custom wind and turbulence settings. This technology has been integrated into Theme Park Studio.
    - Oculus Rift Support: Due to overwhelming requests for this support, we are proud to announce this cutting edge technology will be included in all versions of Theme Park Studio.


    《主题公园世界》的画面无疑是整个游戏中最值得夸耀的卖点之一。除了大家非常熟悉的牛蛙式的另类幽默风格画面,游戏还使用了类似于《上帝也疯狂》的3D图形引擎,整个画面采用真3D技术制作而成。玩家可以任意旋转缩放视角,从任何角度欣赏自己的杰作,尤其是你除了可以使用俯视视角进行经营外,还可以在第一人称视角下,亲自到公园中游玩一番。能够如此贴近地观察自己的设计和公园中的游人,确实是一幅壮观不已的景象。在音效处理方面,游戏支持先进的环境音效技术(Environmental AudioTM),为玩家提供真实绝伦的声音效果。例如当游览车通过隧道时,玩家将身临其境地感觉到声音的轰响和变化。




    操作系统 Windows Win9X/Vista/WinXP/Win7/
    CPU Pentium 200(MMX)、32MB内存
    声卡 兼容DirectX(支持3D音效)
    显卡 兼容DirectX显示卡(4MB显存)







    主题公园设计室:主题公园设计室(Theme Park Studio)这款游戏是Pantera Entertainment发行的一款模拟经营SIM游戏,版本信息为免安装绿色版。通过使用主题公园设计室中的各种工具,玩家可以设计地形、创造湖泊河流和山峦。接着公园大门以及道路布局也需要精心设计,仅仅需要点击一下鼠标,围墙、楼梯和植被都会出现。摩天轮和过山车当然少不了,当然还有其它许多好玩的设备供你选择。


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