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骑马与砍杀战团mod:魔戒The Veiled Stars

游戏类型:游戏MOD 游戏语言:简体中文 软件大小:1 GB 软件官网:暂无 软件版本:硬盘版 更新时间:2015-05-06 09:33:15 标签:骑马与砍杀 专题: 暂无


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    骑马与砍杀战团mod:魔戒The Veiled Stars


    Merge with X mod!
    I am very aware that there are a few Lotr mods out there. However, I don't want to merge, join, or differ to them. This is for several reasons.
    a) I love modding, and this is something I've always wanted to do.
    b) The other mods are rather unprofessional. Spelling mistakes, lore mistakes, and bad management. I'm English myself, so that solves the first issue. I've read all the books, (and watched the films of course), so I know the lore. I've read Tolkien's other works such as the Silmarillion, and several other books about Middle Earth of which I can't remember the name. As for management... I guess we'll have to see how I do, eh?
    c) Those mods don't see much development. I have the capability, determination and passion to see this through.
    In regard to "The Last Days"
    I love the mod, but I find it lacking in two areas.
    a) It's for the original Mount&Blade. The dated graphics, animations, and enginelimitations just slightly spoil TLD for me. So, this project is definitely not intended to undermine such an amazing mod.
    b) The possibilities for the player are not as diverse as they were in Warband. I'd love to see the kingdoms players of this mod create, and also, it's Warband that most people play nowadays.




    骑马与砍杀:英雄无敌历代记:骑马与砍杀:英雄无敌历代记这款游戏是由Taleworlds制作Paradox Interactive发行的角色扮演游戏,版本信息为简体中文免安装版。寂静年代1165年,国王尼古拉斯·格瑞芬哈特驾崩,埃拉西亚随之陷入了混乱之中,政府崩溃,秩序沦丧,蠢蠢欲动的恶邻们试图趁火打劫,从中牟利:西南方的野蛮人部族和他们圈养的猛兽侵袭着我们的国度,蜥蜴人带着各种各样的沼泽怪物自西方的塔塔利亚王国而来,以及,在北方的边境线上,可怕的德雅亡灵大军正在制造死亡与毁灭。我们唯一的盟友,是埃里的精灵们,与强大的敌人相比,我们的势力是如此的脆弱,但在那个黑暗的时刻,这是我们唯一的希望。

    骑马与砍杀:野蛮卡拉迪亚:骑马与砍杀:野蛮卡拉迪亚这款游戏是由Taleworlds制作Paradox Interactive发行的角色扮演游戏,版本信息为简体中文免安装版。MOD讲述了在卡拉德帝国沦陷之后,六个新成立的国家正在为争夺霸权而斗争,现在他们为击败他们的对手迈出了重大的一步。 每个阵营发展出了一个不人道的斯巴达式训练营,最强壮,最聪明的年轻人被带来成为国家的野蛮杀人机器。

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    骑马与砍杀战团mod:魔戒The Veiled Stars